
30 June: large showy flowers, tall, nice, very bright, flowers browned, looks messy, nice clean yellow, still looks good, one dead plant, some damaged foliage.

15 July: tall, long lasting blooms, flowers not uniform, nice color, beautiful, large, vivid flower color, very cheerful, lots of bloom, good foliage for a zinnia.

30 July: deadhead, floriferous, no powdery mildew, full of blooms, nice texture, flowers really hold up, some flowers look great- others look bad, sturdy, Japanese beetle damage, nice bold colors.

15 Aug: no mildew at all, blooms last a long time, flowers holding up very well to rain, could replace sunflowers, great zinnia, bright flowers, varying sizes.

30 Aug: no mildew, still nice, deadhead, still prolific bloomer, still nice, great flowers, nice cut flower with good breaks, great foliage for a zinnia.

15 Sept: deadhead, finally has powdery mildew, few flowers, dying back, lots of past prime blooms, color holds well.